A New Population-Based Cardiovascular Risk Factor Prevalence Study (N-CRISPS)

N-CRISPS is a new, contemporary population-based cardiovascular risk factor prevalence study. “Over the past 20 years, there have been major changes in the lifestyle, level of health literacy, and the overall standard of medical care in Hong Kong. However, cardiovascular diseases remain the second most common cause of death, behind cancers, accounting for 20.2% of the overall mortality in both 2015 and 2016. It is therefore timely that a new community-based study is conducted to determine the up-dated sex and age-stratified prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors, including diabetes, especially among the working population in Hong Kong.

N-CRISPS will be conducted over 4.5 years, with funding support from the Health & Medical Research Fund of the Hong Kong Government.

港大 ・ 新 ・ 心血管疾病風險因素普查 (N-CRISPS)

港大 ・ 新 ・ 心血管疾病風險因素普查是一項新全港性研究。 過去 20年香港人的生活方式、健康認知水平和整體醫療質素的變化很大。然而,心血管疾病仍是僅次於癌症的都市殺手,在 2015及 2016年均佔總死亡率的 20.2%。因此,N-CRISPS 將會為香港的工作年齡人口收集各種心血管疾病風險因素(包括糖尿病)的最新流行病學數據。

N-CRISPS 由香港政府醫療衞生研究基金資助,研究為期四年半。