HKU Announces A New Population-Based Cardiovascular Risk Factor Prevalence Study (N-CRISPS)

N-CRISPS has been launched in December 2019 and planned to invite up to 4000 participants over 4 years. Mail invitations will be sent to residents of randomly selected households registered at the Census and Statistics Department. Individuals who are interested can join this study by online registration, or by returning the filled reply slip with the Freepost envelop enclosed or by fax, or by calling our research officer during office hours.

Participants in this study will need to attend a single visit of 3-4 hours at the Queen Mary Hospital for a free and comprehensive health check for the presence of diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, anemia, and abnormal function of the liver or kidney. An electrocardiogram (ECG) will also be performed. A detailed medical report will be provided thereafter and HKD 200 in cash will be provided as compensation for the transportation expenses.


港大 開展一項全新的心血管疾病風險因素普查N-CRISPS

N-CRISPS 剛於 2019 年 12 月開始。計劃在未來的四年中合共招募約 4000名 參加者。N-CRISPS 團隊將會從政府統計處的登記住戶中隨機抽樣郵寄邀請信,有興趣的住戶可以經由以下方式報名參與:網上註冊、傳真或用附上的回郵信封寄回已填妥的回條、或於辦公時間致電研究員。
